Discover How Easy It Is To Buy A Home In Pennsylvania With Little Or No Money Down Using Federal, State, Or Municipal Down Payment Programs For PA Homes.
Welcome To DownpaymentPA.org
You Can Get A Home
Pennsylvania home buyers can get down payment assistance to cover your down payment and closing costs from a variety of sources nationwide.
How Much Can You Get?
There are millions of dollars available to cover down payment and closing costs to help home buyers in Pennsylvania.
Frequently Asked Questions
PA Downpayment Assistance Programs
How Many Down Payment Programs Are Available In Pennsylvania?
The number of down payment programs can fluctuate because there are federal, state, county, municipal, and private down payment grant programs available. Some down payment programs have budget limits, some have expiration dates. New programs get introduced on a regular basis. We match you with the down payment programs you qualify for and best meet your financial need.
How Do You Qualify For Down Payment Grants?
Each program and participating lender may have different credit score requirements, income levels, etc. It’s best to review all factors in qualifying for down payment money. Give us a call now or complete the secure online form to see how much down payment money you can get.
Can You Qualify For Down Payment Grants With Poor Credit?
Yes, We can work with many buyers who have credit scores as low as 600. There are many programs available to review or help you clean up bumps or bruises on your credit.
What Type of Mortgage Programs Qualify For Down Payment Assistance?
Many types including FHA, VA Loans, USDA, CHENOA and many Conventional loans. Call now or complete the secure form to see how much down payment assistance you can get.